A Mixed up Family

A venting place for the day to day problems of combining two families

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me

Today is my birthday. It is never a happy day. This is usually the time that J goes to his dad's for the summer. We are also having turmoil with Ch again. The ex is being a total ass. So this is probably the worst birthday I have had so far. I am 32 years old. Hard to believe. I don't feel like I'm an adult sometimes. I often wish I could go back and redo things. Guess that's not a wish that I can get from blowing out birthday candles, huh? So, Happy Birthday to me. I'm hoping the next few bring better days.


  • At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy birthday from a fellow Cancerian (mine's tomorrow)!



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